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Beyond the Edge

Dynamic Brain Lab is a Research & Development company based in Japan.
The company was established with the aim of devising innovative solutions to enhance people's well-being.
Our Team of experts has combined years of experience in AI, Big Data, Software Development, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering.


Our research team has developed a non-invasive sensor for monitoring blood glucose levels.
This device is designed to benefit both individuals with diabetes and those who engage in sports activities.
For people with diabetes, our sensor eliminates the need for uncomfortable and frustrating electrochemical tests that require finger pricking for blood extraction.
Our goal is to provide a comfortable and pain-free alternative for monitoring blood glucose levels.

For those involved in sports activities, the Glucoscanner provides glucose level data along with other indicators such as heart rate, temperature, oxygen, etc.
This is particularly useful for athletes and active individuals who need to monitor their energy levels during physical activity.

Is a platform that can monitor the health conditions and abilities of people while driving or working.
The project involves leveraging advanced technology to monitor the health conditions and capabilities of individuals while driving or working.
The system can continuously measure key parameters such as low glucose levels, alcohol presence, drowsiness, drug intake, and more, especially when users are not in optimal conditions for driving or working.
The primary goal of the system is to cover the broadest possible range of factors that could increase the risk of accidents.
With this technology, we can identify when a driver or worker should stop and rest or even call emergency services.
This preventive approach aims to ensure a safer driving and working environment by intervening promptly when signs of safety hazards are detected.
The system could be integrated directly into existing car displays or introduced as a portable device, connectable via cable to common tablets, phones, or computers.
This way, users would only need to purchase the software and camera package, eliminating the need to invest in additional hardware.
A concrete example can be illustrated by two individuals with the same blood alcohol level. However, one may be capable of driving or working safely, while the other may not.
With our system, we can assess which of the two is able to operate safely and which cannot.